Debut Buddies

First Pumpkin Pie (c. 16th / 17th Century)

Episode Summary

"These Buddies were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should..." This episode, Kelly, Chelsea, and Nate make versions of the First Pumpkin Pie, to... varying levels of success. Kelly makes a pie from the 1500s. Nate and Chelsea make one from the 1600s, that's really just a gourd full of custard. It's... food, mostly! Plus, we play I See What You Did There and give you updates with the Mouthguard/MouthGarfield Report! And there's a haunting at Chelsea's!

Episode Notes

"These Buddies were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should..." This episode, Kelly, Chelsea, and Nate make versions of the First Pumpkin Pie, to... varying levels of success. Kelly makes a pie from the 1500s. Nate and Chelsea make one from the 1600s, that's really just a gourd full of custard. It's... food, mostly! Plus, we play I See What You Did There and give you updates with the Mouthguard/MouthGarfield Report! And there's a haunting at Chelsea's!

Make the custard gourd yourself:

Have a First for us to discuss? Tweet at us @debutbuddies!

Listen to Kelly and Chelsea's other show, Never Show the Monster.

Check out Kelly and Cabe on Thirteenth Depository.

Get some sci-fi from Spaceboy Books, including Nate's new book.

Get down with Michael J. O'Connor's music!